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Revisitation des contrats miniers en RDC

Le ministre des Mines, Martin Kabwelulu, a donné lundi, lors d'un point de presse, le coup d'envoi des travaux de la commission de la revisitation des contrats miniers en République Démocratique du Congo depuis 1996 à  nos jours, débutés mardi…


“Petrol and diesel are dead,” says GM

General Motors is determined to “remove the car from the environment and energy debate” in the next 10 years by doing away with the internal combustion engine altogether. The world’s second largest car company now views hydrogen fuel cell power…


Toshiba to introduce more Copiers using recyclable Toner

Electronics Giant Toshiba has confirmed it is keen to expand its recyclable toner technology right across its portfolio in a move it hopes will eradicate the hassle and environmental problems posed by disposing of waste toner. The company said it…


Bad behavior doesn’t warrant state-sanctioned approval

Last month Democrats wrote Gov. Sarah Palin requesting a special session to fix Alaska’s flawed oil tax law. When we did that, I hesitated at making the easy argument – that last year’s oil tax law is now clouded by…


Ikea switches UK carfleet to hybrids

Ikea is switching its entire UK company-car fleet to hybrid vehicles as a prelude to a possible company-wide shift to greener vehicles. The Swedish retailer said it would trade in its Skoda company cars for Honda Civic hybrids by next…


Climate change? Not with my money

Investments by Dutch banks cause more than three times the CO2 emissions that the Netherlands emits annually. The banks invest over twenty times more in projects that harm the climate such as oil extraction and coal-fired plants, than in projects…


Environment and Employment top Mining & Metals CSR Agenda

Environment and employment are currently the major concerns regarding the Mining & Metals industry’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) record, states a report released today by Geneva-based reputation research firm Covalence, Covalence Mining & Metals Industry Report 2007. For 2006 to…

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