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Antoine Mach

Antoine Mach is co-founder and managing partner of Covalence SA. As co-manager of the CAS Sustainable Finance of Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG), Antoine received the prize for…


Marc Rochat

Marc Rochat is co-founder and partner of Covalence SA. He coordinates the development of in-house IT solutions for the extraction and classification of narrative content, relying on artificial intelligence techniques…


Covalence offers internship opportunities to students who can gain an experience as ESG information analyst, in partnership with several universities worldwide and in accordance with the criteria adopted by the Conseil de surveillance du marché de l’emploi of the Canton of Geneva.


Matthias Brunner

Matthias Brunner (1968) is specialized in survey design and data analysis. He has completed an MA in Political Science in the University of Geneva and has been lecturer at the…


Patrick Ruch

Patrick Ruch is scientific advisor to Covalence. He provides guidance on domains such as Information retrieval, Text mining, Information sciences, Knowledge representation, and Natural Language Processing. Patrick Ruch is a…


Vincent Ossipow

Vincent Ossipow, Ph.D., CFA, is a non-executive financial advisor for Covalence since 2005. He joined Omega Funds as a Venture partner in 2014. Previously, Vincent worked with Sectoral Asset Management,…

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