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L’empreinte écologique

L’homme produit, consomme, et jette ses déchets sans arràªt et sans pitié pour son environnement ou pour le monde qui lui fournit ses ressources. Comment peut-on donner une image, comment peut-on représenter la consommation d’un seul àªtre humain ou d’un…


What Companies are Ethical?

I just received a press release from Covalence alerting me that the Geneva-based ethical rankings company is "publishing today its quarterly ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress…


Covalence Ethical Ranking 2nd Quarter 2007

Geneva-based Covalence is publishing today its quarterly ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in the second quarter of 2007. An overview of hot issues across sectors is…


Le commerce de l’uranium congolais : des enjeux complexes

L’histoire de l’Uranium ressemble à  un compte de feu, qui a et risque de soulever les montagnes, deboulonner les gouvermenets en place et un instrument des enjeux politiques pour destabiliser ses adversaires politiques. L’Uranium fut découvert à  Shinkolobwe en 1912,…


The State, Multinationals and Social Responsibility

We all know that the world is far from being a perfect place. The widening gap between the rich and poor, exploitation and violation of human rights on the workplace and beyond, unfair trade and global warming are only a…


Yunus wants Japan’s ‘social business’

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus on Tuesday urged the government and private companies to do more "social business" to better help the poor. Winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Price for his efforts to eradicate poverty, Yunus told a Tokyo news…

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