Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus on Tuesday urged the government and private companies to do more “social business” to better help the poor. Winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Price for his efforts to eradicate poverty, Yunus told a Tokyo news conference that official development assistance is “a very restricted framework” because it is basically a government-to-government relationship. (…) “Development is a much wider issue than government to government. That should be government to the people of the country,” the 67-year-old Bangladeshi economist said. Citing French food giant Group Danone SA, which has teamed up with the Grameen Bank to provide dairy products to low-income people, Yunus said, “What about Toyota, Panasonic social business?” Image source: > Continue.
News selected by Covalence | Country: Global | Company: Danone, Toyota, Matsushita Electric | Source: Kyodo News