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Luxury labels make dirty goods, claims green charity

A luxury brand of shoes and handbags promoted by the actress Sienna Miller was criticised yesterday in a report published by the conservation charity WWF-UK. The brand - Tod’s - came bottom of the charity’s ranking of 10 luxury groups…


Réputation des entreprises et réchauffement climatique

En matière de réchauffement climatique, l’industrie pétrolière est sans surprise la première montrée du doigt. Le produit final et le processus de production sont jugés polluants par un grand nombre d’observateurs. Leader du secteur, l’américain ExxonMobil est la principale cible…


Towards Eco-Innovative Products

Since I have started my internship at the Covalence I have come closer to different multinational companies (MC), their activities around the world. During the period of my work I came across with a lot of good and bad (ethical…


Ranking Ethique Covalence 3ème trimestre 2007

La société genevoise Covalence publie aujourd’hui son ranking trimestriel de réputation éthique, qui classe les entreprises enregistrant le meilleur score et celles ayant le plus progressé au cours du troisième trimestre 2007. Un aperà§u des thèmes chauds est donné. Les…


Covalence Ethical Ranking 3rd Quarter 2007

Geneva-based Covalence is publishing today its quarterly ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in the third quarter of 2007. An overview of hot issues across sectors is…

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