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Brazil Property News: Petrobras to spend eco-friendly

080820_petrobras1.jpgEnvironmentally-conscious investors considering Brazilian property could be interested to hear state-oil firm Petrobras is calling on the general public to help it spend $309 million (£154 million) on the environment, it has been reported.The company wants to use the money for projects to strengthen environmental organisations and spread information about sustainable development, over the course of the next four years, according to Brazzil Mag.It has just launched its Environment Programme, which will be the department that will liaise with the public to choose a series of projects to support.According to the report, $37 million will be spent on the public choices over a period of two years and suggestions are being taken now. Image source : > Continue.

News selected by Covalence | Region: Bresil | Company: Petrobras| Source: Uv10

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