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Global Compact Survey

In 2006 and 2007, UNI Finance conducted a survey on finance companies' commitments to Principle 3 of the UN Global Compact, "Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining". 35 major…


Unilever, Alcoa, HP Top Ethical Reputation Ranking

Covalence has published its quarterly ethical reputation ranking (PDF), highlighting the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in the second quarter of 2007. Unilever took the top spot by having the best…


What Companies are Ethical?

I just received a press release from Covalence alerting me that the Geneva-based ethical rankings company is "publishing today its quarterly ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress…


Banks Embracing Green Challenge, Study Finds

According to the latest Banking Industry report from research group Covalence, competition for eco-minded customers has helped improve how banks' services affect the environment. The study looked at the EthicalQuote Reputation Index for nine industries from June 2006 to June…


Rapport Covalence secteur bancaire 2007

Le secteur bancaire obtient la deuxième meilleure cotation éthique de juin 2006 à  juin 2007 comparé à  neuf autres secteurs, indique un rapport publié le 29 juin 2007 par la société genevoise Covalence, Covalence Banking Industry Report 2007. Au cours…


Unilever, la marca mà¡s ética

Un total de veinte compaà±à­as multinacionales han sido sometidas a examen de ética por la organizacià³n Covalence. El ranking general lo encabeza Unilever, mientras que la marca que mà¡s progresos està¡ haciendo en el plano ético es la brità¡nica Marks…


¿Cà³mo se mide la ética de una marca?

Segàºn un informe publicado en mayo por la organizacià³n suiza Covalence, Unilever es la marca mà¡s ética del mundo, seguida de Alcoa (aluminios) y Starbucks. Por su parte, hay marcas que se està¡n esforzando por refinar su ética corporativa, progresos…

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