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Mines au Nord-Kivu : liste des sociétés accusées de fraude

Les minerais constituent le nerf de l’insécurité persistante au Kivu. Si le commerce des minerais demeure une source importante de revenus pour la province du Nord-Kivu, il se fait malheureusement que d’importantes quantités à  l’exportation échappent au circuit officiel. La…


Katanga : bataille rangée autour des mines

Les mines du Katanga sont encore loin de se soustraire de l’actualité. Avec le dernier scénario qui met en cause Boss Mining, filiale de la « Central african mining and exploration company (Camec) », la bataille autour des mines de…


The sweatshop high street – more brands under fire

Two of Britain's major high street retailers launched inquiries last night into allegations that factory workers who make their clothes in India are being paid as little as 13p per hour for a 48-hour week, wages so low the workers…


The bottled water industry is getting a bad rap

The bottled water industry has recently come under attack by critics who say they are concerned about the quantity of water bottles going to our landfills and the energy used transporting them to market. But those who propose bans on…


Biofuel offers Brazilian farmers fair trade

Fair trade organisation gebana has joined Switzerland's leading retailer, Migros, to market what it claims is the world's first ecological and fairly traded fuel. Petrol pump operator Migrol - part of Migros - will buy green fuel from gebana at…


The Burden of Innovation – Covalence Pharmaceutical Industry Report 2007

Pharmaceutical companies carry increasing ethical risks related to innovation, states a report released on 29 August 2007 by Geneva-based ethical reputation research firm Covalence, Covalence Pharmaceutical Industry Report 2007. These innovation-related risks deal with intellectual property rights, drug pricing, clinical…


Comparative Stakeholder Salience Survey

Although the concept and practice of stakeholding is central to contemporary corporate social responsibility and accountability movement, less attention is paid to its variation across sectors and countries. Our study seeks to fill this research gap by focusing on mapping…

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