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Branding: Increasing access to new markets and overall sales

The act of buying a product or service is one that involves a number of physiological processes. Corporations have increasingly become sensitive to this fact, and realize that the functionality of their products is only one factor among many that…


Des multinationales sur les terres de la Tribu Masai

Une histoire vivante du Kenya des années 1900 sur le terre interdite des Masai, tribu pastoral et agriculteurs anciens qui peuplent un territoire de plus de 25000 km carré, appelé MASAIMARA, nom très connu des Occidentaux et touristes à  travers…


If McDonald’s Can Do It, Why Can’t Wal-Mart?

McDonald’s is raising wages overseas. The fast food retailer operates on business model similar to Wal-Mart: selling massive quantities of cheap goods. McDonald’s has made room in its budget for salary increases for low-level employees - and its stock prices…


Zimbabwe : Les désillusions de la présence chinoise et asiatique

Les autorités en place faisaient croire à  leurs concitoyens que le retrait  et les sanctions économiques  des pays occidentaux, assimilés à  des néo-colonistes, n’auront pas d’impact sur la situatioon socio-économique du pays, puisque le renforcement de la coopération Sud-Sud, dopées…


Sustainable Living

As the green light finally goes on in the minds of business owner and consumers, sustainable transition from more than just a business buzzword into a business lifestyle, looking to the future and making sure it is good for us…


Unilever, Alcoa, HP Top Ethical Reputation Ranking

Covalence has published its quarterly ethical reputation ranking (PDF), highlighting the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in the second quarter of 2007. Unilever took the top spot by having the best…

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