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Barbie’s feminism under the eye of investors

Lately, Barbie has been on the verge of obsolescence. The doll seemed to be on the wrong side of history, conveying a stereotypical image of women. So, Barbie’s manufacturer, Mattel, teamed up with Warner Bros to produce a film that would correct the situation, modernize the toy’s image and boost sales. Bingo.

A huge box-office success, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie depicts male-female relations with humor and a feminist message that reaches a wide audience. In Le Monde, academics Marjolaine Boutet and Hélène Breda hail the film’s “force of cultural impact”: “Never has female gaze, the way a woman looks at the world through the eyepiece of a camera, imposed itself on hundreds of millions of viewers with such force”. On France Inter, journalist Victoire Tuaillon believes that the film contains a “satire of masculinity” and a “feminist critique that hits the nail on the head”. For her colleague Albane Guichard, “the film advances the cause of women among the general public”. More…

Source: Covalence / Illuminem

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