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Haiti cruise stops draw ire, support

When Catherine Jones recently booked a Royal Caribbean cruise that included a stop in Haiti, she never expected that her vacation would lead to deep soul searching and an emergency family meeting. Jones, who lives in Hickory, North Carolina, is scheduled to start the trip at the beginning of next month — a five-day getaway with her sister, who is in the Army and will go to Afghanistan in March, and their 87-year-old mother. “We kind of discussed it: How can you sit there and say, ‘Waiter, bring me a drink’ while I’m on a private beach … knowing that 100 miles away, people are dying,” Jones said. It’s a debate that’s been raging ever since Royal Caribbean resumed bringing vacationers to Haiti after last week’s earthquake, which killed tens of thousands of people in and around the capital of Port-au-Prince. More…

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