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Apple plans environmental audits of China suppliers

Apple has told prominent environmental activists in the U.S. and China that it will soon allow independent environmental reviews of at least two suppliers’ factories in China, the activists said. The reviews come as Apple (AAPL) faces rising criticism about toxic pollution and factory injuries at overseas suppliers’ factories. Environmental examinations would be separate from an independent probe of working conditions at the Chinese factories of Apple suppliers, including Foxconn Technology, that began last week. Ma Jun, founder of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs, told USA TODAY in a phone interview Monday that Apple agreed to the independent reviews in late January in response to two reports that IPE and other environmental groups released last year documenting hazardous-waste leaks and the use of toxic chemicals at suspected Apple suppliers. The reviews, which could begin in March, will start with two suppliers but might expand to others, said Ma, one of China’s leading environmental activists. More…

News selected by Covalence | Country: China | Company: Apple | Source: USA Today

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