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Panasonic Demonstrates Commitment To Tackle Climate Change At COP15

091217_panasonic.jpgPanasonic Europe has demonstrated its environmental leadership at COP15, the United Nations Climate Change Summit, by highlighting the accelerating rate of global climate change, and showing practical steps that can be implemented to mitigate ever-increasing carbon emissions; With SEAS-NVE, Denmark’s largest consumer-owned energy company, Panasonic Europe demonstrated an eco-home of the future; showing new opportunities to reduce day-to-day energy usage Panasonic sponsored the Ice Bear Project; an ice sculpture which has melted away to a bronze skeleton during the conference, symbolising the fragility and beauty of the Arctic, and the effect mankind is having on the earth’s delicate environment; Support of the Catlin Arctic Survey, enabled scientific experiments to be undertaken earlier this year and the findings, presented at COP15, showed that with the current rate of climate change, the Arctic Ocean will be largely ice-free during Summer months within a decade. Image: More…

News selected by Covalence | Country: Global | Company – EthicalQuote link: Panasonic | Source: Panasonic

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