After ranking dead last in a March Greenpeace electronics recycling report, Sony thought it might be a good idea to give consumers a free place to recycle Sony branded products. Starting September 15th US consumers will be able to bring their used Sony products to an eCycling center run by Waste Management. This is a big step for Sony. Greenpeace’s report cited the company for its non-existent take back standards and for being part of a coalition that has been opposing producer responsibility in recycling in the US. Martyn Williams from Macworld UK explains the need for tougher electronic recycling standards: The issue of electronic waste is growing in importance as the number of gadgets increases and their price comes down. Today, faulty electronics products are more usually junked than repaired and it’s increasingly common for users to replace products not because they are old but because a more attractive product comes along. In 2005, between 1.9 million and 2.2 million tons of electronics products were discarded in the US of which the vast majority was dumped in landfill sites. As little as 345,000 tons was recycled, according to a study by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Image source: > Continue.
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