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Covalence Ethical Ranking 2007

Geneva-based Covalence is publishing today its third annual ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in 2007. An overview of emerging and decreasing topics is also given. The…


Ranking Ethique Covalence 2007

La société genevoise Covalence publie aujourd’hui son troisième ranking annuel de réputation éthique, qui classe les entreprises enregistrant le meilleur score et celles ayant le plus progressé au cours de l’année 2007. Les principaux résultats à  travers les dix secteurs…


Réputation des entreprises et réchauffement climatique

En matière de réchauffement climatique, l’industrie pétrolière est sans surprise la première montrée du doigt. Le produit final et le processus de production sont jugés polluants par un grand nombre d’observateurs. Leader du secteur, l’américain ExxonMobil est la principale cible…


Big food companies accused of risking climate catastrophe

The rush to palm oil and biofuels threatens to release 14 billion tonnes of carbon from Indonesia’s peatlands Many of the largest food and fuel companies risk climate change disaster by driving the demand for palm oil and biofuels grown…


Unilever, Alcoa, HP Top Ethical Reputation Ranking

Covalence has published its quarterly ethical reputation ranking (PDF), highlighting the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress in the second quarter of 2007. Unilever took the top spot by having the best…


What Companies are Ethical?

I just received a press release from Covalence alerting me that the Geneva-based ethical rankings company is "publishing today its quarterly ethical reputation ranking, giving the best ranked companies as well as those companies which have made the most progress…


Unilever, la marca mà¡s ética

Un total de veinte compaà±à­as multinacionales han sido sometidas a examen de ética por la organizacià³n Covalence. El ranking general lo encabeza Unilever, mientras que la marca que mà¡s progresos està¡ haciendo en el plano ético es la brità¡nica Marks…


¿Cà³mo se mide la ética de una marca?

Segàºn un informe publicado en mayo por la organizacià³n suiza Covalence, Unilever es la marca mà¡s ética del mundo, seguida de Alcoa (aluminios) y Starbucks. Por su parte, hay marcas que se està¡n esforzando por refinar su ética corporativa, progresos…


Incentive or punishment

After naming and shaming, and the media and blogs as watchdogs, we are seeing a multiplication of the social responsibility, sustainable development and ethical rankings. The Swiss ethical quotation company Covalence, has just published its first quarter ranking, and the…

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