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Connaître ses partenaires

Covalence assiste les organisations à but non lucratif dans la gestion de leurs relations avec le secteur privé avec des services de diligence ESG et d’identification de partenaires potentiels.

Nous offrons des notations et outils de surveillance permettant aux organisations de vérifier la réputation éthique et la performance ESG de partenaires potentiels dans le secteur privé.

La base de données ESG de Covalence peut être analysée et filtrée pour identifier des entreprises correspondant au profil de votre organisation.

« The Peace Investment Fund only invests in companies that have a net positive impact according to the Peacebuilding Business Index co-developed by PeaceNexus and Covalence. This ranks the 300 most economically-impactful listed companies in 76 fragile states. » Source: PeaceNexus.

Deeper Luxury

Covalence has provided WWF-UK with ESG ratings on luxury companies, which have been used to produce the ground-breaking report Deeper Luxury: quality and style when the world matters featured in the Financial Times.

For the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) Covalence produce a research report on The Public Image of Nutrition, which shows how the topic of nutrition is covered in stakeholder and corporate communications.

Covalence has also helped The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) better understand the ESG performance of companies active in its region of operations.

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