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HP, Dell, and Apple Each Claim Their Computers Are the “Greenest”

090625_hp.jpgMirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the greenest of them all? Top manufacturers of personal computers in the U.S. — Hewlett-Packard Co, Dell Inc, and fourth-place Apple Inc. — are each claiming to have the “greenest” PCs on the market. The companies are crafting entire business plans around selling their “greenness” to consumers.John Spooner, an analyst with Technology Business Research describes, “It’s really a green arms race, in which they’re trying to one up each other. The good news is they’re all working in this direction and that’s going to benefit themselves, their customers and the environment.”Thus far the companies have primarily focused on different areas. Dell has pushed ahead with recycling efforts, while Apple has removed toxic compounds like PBRs from its circuit boards and building materials. And HP, which recently seized the top sales spot in the U.S. from Dell, is focusing on making greener packaging. Image: More…

News selected by Covalence | Country: Global | Company – EthicalQuote link: HP, Dell, Apple | Source: DailyTech

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